Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How to Preserve your Memorization

How to Preserve your Memorization... #SHARE

‘Alee bin Kharsham said:

I saw Wakee’ bin al-Jarraah and he did not have any books with him even though he would memorise that which we did not memorise and I was amazed by this, so I asked him.

I said, “O Wakee’, you do not walk with a book nor do you write on paper yet you memorise more than us!” Whereupon Wakee’ responded by saying – whispering into my ear – “O ‘Alee! If I were to tell you about the illness that causes forgetfulness will you then act upon it? (i.e. cease doing it)” I replied, “Yes by Allaah!”

He said, “Leaving off sin, for by Allaah I have not seen anything more beneficial with regards to memorising than leaving off sin.”

[Siyaar ‘Alaam an-Nubalaa volume 6 page 384]

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