Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant and belongs to Lily family. Aloe has many species grown in different part of the world including dry regions of Asia, Europe, Africa and America. Among all the species of Aloe, Aloe Vera has nutritional value and a specific species known, as Aloe Barbadensis Miller is the best. For more than thousand years, Aloe Vera has been used as a natural medicine. Scientific studies carried out on it in the past three four decades, has found more than 75 valuable constituents such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, sugar, anthraquinone, and many more. No other natural product contains such large number of constituents useful for humans. Its uses now have been established for various applications. Some of the common uses include its use as energy drinks as it contains lot of polysaccharides, its use as antiseptic for skin care, its use in beauty products and many more.

The Benefits of Aloe Vera

Small-scale studies and anecdotal evidence suggests that Aloe Vera may be beneficial in the following cases :-

Applied as a cream for :-

- Healing small cuts, insect stings, grazes and wounds.

- Healing and repairing skin tissue after burns, including sunburn.

- Healing skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, general itching.

- Cosmetic uses such as moisturising and improving the elasticity of the skin.

Ingested as a gel/juice for :-

- Digestive conditions such as IBS, peptic ulcers, acid reflux, Chron’s disease, candida etc.

- Musculo-skeletal conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, etc.

- Immune-related conditions such as asthma, hay fever and even ME.

- Overall protection (as an antioxidant) against free radicals.

Aloe Drinks

Aloe contains lot of nutrients for human body and it is also a very good adaptor and easily go inside the deep, therefore it not only provides us energy but it is also very useful for treating diarrhea and even ulcer. The number of sugar constituents in it are easily metabolizes in the body and we get quick energy. It is very useful for maintaining pH of the stomach as it alkalizes the unpleasant effect of coffee or tea and therefore it is good for heartburn also. The nutrients from it easily pass in the blood stream and thus it is useful for our vital organs. Aloe drink therefore fulfills the body requirement of nutrients and useful for supplying quick energy to the body.

Aloe helps in building protein and overall health

Aloe contains large number of amino acids. Amino acids are building blocks of protein, which is essentially required by our body. We require 8 essential amino acids through our food to build protein. It contains 7 out of 8 essential amino acids required by our body and therefore it can play a vital role for fulfilling our need of protein in our body.

Aloe Vera acts as antiseptic

Aloe Vera contains a number of antiseptics and it has therefore found its use to treat skin cut, wounds and even mild acne. The antiseptic in it is capable to kill bacteria, viruses and fungus. Many manufacturing companies uses it in the topical antiseptic formulations alone or in combination with other antiseptic ingredients.

Aloe Vera in beauty products

Aloe Vera is being used in number of commercial skin care and beauty products. Lotions containing aloe Vera is used for topical applications and acts as moisturizer and protect the skin from sunlight. Products containing aloe Vera are also useful to improve the skin color and fairness since long time and commercial products containing aloe Vera are used by millions of people worldwide.

Aloe Vera for Hair

Many people use aloe vera products such as aloe vera shampoo and conditioners since long time. Ezymes present in aloe Vera help in strengthening hair. Aloe vera is also found useful for treating androgenic alopecia.

NOTE: Aloe vera is found to cause rashes in some skin, when used externally. So please use this plant products only after consulting your physician.

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