Saturday, September 21, 2013

Do you find it difficult to wake up for Fajr?

Do you find it difficult to wake up for Fajr? ‪#‎Share‬

- Praying Fajr is proving such a difficult act for so many people (myself included) so let us take on board the below, that it may In sha Allah help us. We should first of all clear our heads and realise just what a colossal obligation Ṣalah actually is. Perhaps then we will take more seriously the importance of:

- going to sleep early in order to not risk missing your alarm because you’re too tired

- not eating late so as to not increase the chances of laziness when trying to wake up

- investing in proper methods and alarms to ensure you wake up

- cutting out all levels of bad action and sin so as to not block yourself off from tawfīq from Allah SWT

We could of course just emphasise how beautiful a feeling it is to struggle against the Nafs and Shaitaan and then batter them both by praying on time in the best way possible ") and then buzz off the spiritual high and barakah you just inhaled. Believe me, there’s nothing like it in the world. Don’t miss out on this for even one prayer in your life.

Alternatively, we could go down a sterner route and quote Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (raḥimahullah) who stated (al-Ṣalātu wa Aḥkāmu Tārikihā, 1/31):

“The Muslim scholars do not differ concerning the one who intentionally misses the obligatory prayer. It is the mightiest of sins and the most serious of the enormities. Its sin according to Allāh is greater than the sin of killing, usurping of wealth, adultery, stealing or drinking alcohol, and thus as a result the perpetrator will face the punishment of Allāh, His Anger and will endure humiliation both in this life and the next.”

The prayer is serious folks. You might not understand the statement above, and others will be shocked by it. But those who pray, know how serious and how correct it actually is. They also realise that when it comes to solving major global problems and crises or even local community challenges, there will never be success or divine help unless we build upon the foundation of the obligatory daily prayers. Never.

Yet regardless of where you personally are today with respect to your performance of your five daily prayers, you just concentrate on making sure that tomorrow you don’t give Allah jalla wa ‘alā a reason to use your relationship with those same daily prayers to hold you accountable and destroy both you, and others because of you.

Wallahu a‘lam.

To sayyidina Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA), someone said: 'I resolve in my heart to wake up in the later part of night and make salah but
sleep overtakes me.' 

Ibn Abbas (RA) advised him to recite the last verses of Surah Al Kahf from "kul law kaanal bahru" to the end of the surah (ie. last two ayat) before you sleep. Then, the time you intend to wake up will be the time Allah (swt) will wake you up. ( reported by ath Tha'alibi )

[Big B] nothing beats the feeling of Fajr in congregation. May Allah give us the understanding of the importance of Salah and grant us strength when that blanket seems so heavy come Fajr.


Hassan Islam [Dawah Reminders]

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