Saturday, March 15, 2014

Recette de fondant au chocolat from Recette de cuisine facile

Recette de fondant au chocolat

200 g de chocolat noir à 64%
3 oeufs
1 c. à soupe de farine
1 sachet de sucre vanillé
50 g de beurre allégé

Préchauffez le four th.6 (180ºC).

Faites fondre le chocolat avec le beurre et un peu d'eau.

Séparez les blancs des jaunes d’oeufs.

Battez les blancs en neige.

Ajoutez au chocolat fondu la farine, le sucre, les jaunes et les blancs en neige.

Incorporez-y ensuite les blancs avec une spatule en mélangeant délicatement.

Beurrez un moule à gâteau, versez-y la préparation et enfournez pendant 20 min maximum.

Servez le fondant très frais avec un coulis de fruits.

Bonne dégustations.
Recipe for Chocolate Fudge Ingredients 200 g of 64% dark chocolate 3 eggs 1 tbsp. flour 1 packet of sugar vanilla 50 g of butter Lite Preparation: Preheat the sandwich (180ºC) oven.

Melt the chocolate with the butter and a little water.

Separate the whites from the yolks.

Beat the egg whites.

Add the melted chocolate to flour, the sugar, the egg yolks and whites.

Fold then the whites with a spatula stirring gently.

Butter a cake pan, pour the mixture and bake for 20 minutes maximum.

Use the very cool fudge with a fruit coulis.

Good tasting

Cancer curing miracle Drink

Kita berikhtiar dan berdoa dan yang boleh menyembuhkan hanya ALLAH taala sahaja.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Ustaz Hj Shamsuri - Bangun Malam (Tahajjud)

Banana Smoothies

Wow Great ... Three Banana Smoothies That Dissolve Fat--

Banana is rich in potassium, which helps to remove excess water from the body, and one banana contains 450 mg of this element.
Besides natural sugars fructose, sucrose and glucose are an excellent source of energy for our body, so consuming a banana
suppresses false feelings of hunger that we often lead to forbidden snacks that cause fat.

First Banana drink with flax seeds-

Ingredients: 1 orange , 1 banana , 2 teaspoons whey and 2 teaspoons of flax-seed

Second Banana drink with berries--

Ingredients: 1 banana , 1 cup berries (blueberries, raspberries, cranberries) , 1 teaspoon honey , 1 teaspoon ginger scrubbed and Half a cup of lukewarm water

Third banana drink with spinach--

Ingredients: 1 banana , 20 grams of washed fresh spinach , Half a cup of yoghurt , Third cup of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon honey

The preparation of these drinks is the same for all species, only need to insert the ingredients in a blender and grind. These healthy drinks should be consumed in the morning for breakfast, because then the body best absorbs and recognize the ingredients that will in this case burn your fat deposited around the waist.

AAM; Fenomena MH370 Menimbulkan Pelbagai andaian dan Kebomohan Yang Mema...

amazing benefits of cilantro



One of my customers shared that he's had gout for the past ten years. Since he started juicing, he has also eliminated/reduced processed foods, meat products and most of the harmful foods I've suggested him to.

After following this "clean diet" for only one month, his gout attacks are so much reduced and occurring far in between with less intensity. He shares one of his favorite recipes which he finds gives much relief:

- 1 carrot
- 2 green apples
- 2 celery sticks
- ½ cucumber
- ¼ lemon
- ½ inch ginger root

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Homemade Marinara sauce

Ditujukan kepada pengemar pasta!
Homemade Marinara Sauce

5 tomatoes, chopped
30 oz. tomato sauce
1 can tomato paste
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 bell pepper, diced
12 mushrooms, sliced
2 carrots, sliced
1 zucchini, sliced
1 Tbsp soy sauce
2 bay leaves
1 tsp black pepper
½ Tbsp basil
½ Tbsp oregano
¼ tsp sage

Add all ingredients together, except dry herbs, and simmer for 2 hours. Add dry herbs and simmer for 2 hours.

Granny's Favorites Cookbooks

Red Spark Energy Juice

Red Spark Energy Juice 

“Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a also a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism and increases respiration rate.” 

You will love the wonderful clean buzz of energy you get from this gorgeous red juice!! No caffeine - no stimulates - just natural energy!

Ingredients (always use organic ingredients when available)

2 pink grapefruits, peeled
3 medium size blood oranges, peeled
1 navel orange, peeled
1 pint strawberries
1/2 cup blackberries

Simply Run all ingredients through a juicer and enjoy!

Nasi air kelantan!

Saya kongsi resipi ini kerana saya pun tak pernah cuba...apa kata kita cuba!terimakasih resipi masakan moden dan honeydeekitchen!

Nasi Air Kelantan

Resepi nasi air ini Kelantan ini adalah resepi daripada ibu saya. Nasi air cukup terkenal di Kelantan dan senang didapati di warung-warung di sekitar negeri Kelantan. Nasi air Kelantan sedikit berbeza daripada bubur nasi. Jom lihat resepinya.

Bahan-bahan nasi (utk 2-3 orang)

1 cawan beras
4 cawan air rebusan tulang/daging
3 hiris halia*
2 ulas bawang butih*
sebatang serai *
(bahan bertanda * perlu diketuk)

Bahan-bahan sup

5 cawan air rebusan tulang
4 hiris halia
2 ulas bawang putih
3 ulas bawang merah
kayu manis
buah pelaga
bunjut sup

Bahan-bahan aksesori

ikan bilis goreng
daging goreng (dipotong kiub kecil-kecil dan digoreng)
sayur kobis dihiris halus
daun sup
bawang goreng
sayur jeruk
lada sulah
daun sup

Cara penyediaan nasi
Rebus tulang dan daging sehingga empuk (air ini akan digunakan untuk menyediakan sup dan juga memasak nasi)
Basuh beras sehingga bersih.
Kemudian masukkan halia, bawang putih, serai yang telah diketuk/titik dan sedikit garam kedalam periuk yang berisi beras.
Masukkan air rebusan tulang & daging kedalam periuk yang berisi beras tadi. Anggaran nisbah air dan beras adalah air perlu sekali ganda lebih banyak daripada sukatan air utk memasak nasi biasa.Masak nasi seperti biasa. (Nasi perlu sedikit lembik drp biasa).

Cara penyediaan sup
Tumis kayu manis, buah pelaga, bawang merah, bawang putih dan halia sehingga naik bau. (Tips utk mendapatkan sup yg enak, saya memasukkan garam dan gula dalam tumisan bawang, goreng sehingga bawang bertukar warna perang gelap. Karamel drp gula hangus akan menjadikan sup lebih sedap).
Masukkan air rebusan tulang/daging kedalam periuk.
Masukkan bunjut sup.
Masukkan garam secukup rasa.

Cara hidangan
Sendukkan nasi yang telah masak kedalam mangkuk
Letakkan ikan bilis, daging goreng, daun sup, bawang goreng, sayur kobis, sayur jeruk dan lada sulah kedalam mangkuk.
Sendukkan kuah sup kedalam mangkuk
Sedia untuk dimakan.

The TRUTH about fluoride should blow your mind.

healthy Juice for eyes

[Live][130314][JAM]Raja Bomoh Sesat - Ustaz Tarmizi Shamsul Arif


Monday, March 10, 2014


The best is take wudu' dan pray then read the holy Quran...Inshaa Allah no more stress..


Have you been overworked and stressed lately? Or do you know someone who is undergoing anxiety, panic and trauma?

These negative emotions have a negative effect on the body as they overwork the adrenaline glands and produce two hormones: DHEA and cortisol -- both are 'shock absorber' hormones which buffer the negative impact that may affect mental and physical functions.

Prolonged negative emotions are detrimental to health. During this stressful time, this juice combo may help calm your nerves, improve your mood and sleep quality.

- 2 green apples
- A bunch of spinach
- 1/2 a cucumber
- 1 stick celery
- 1/4 lemon
- 1/2 inch ginger root (optional)

Exercising for increasing height!

Sheikh Saleh Al-Maghamsi: Greatest witness for you on the day of judgeme...

Please take your time to listen!

Cauliflower Buffalo Bites Recipe from fb easy recipe -mesti cuba!

Cauliflower Buffalo Bites Recipe 

1 head of cauliflower, washed and broken up into small florets
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. chili powder
½ tsp. kosher salt
2 tbsp. of your favorite hot wing sauce

Pre heat oven to 425

Toss cauliflower with olive oil and distribute evenly.

Combine garlic powder, paprika, chili powder, and salt in a small bowl. Toss spice mixture over cauliflower and mix well, making sure all the cauliflower is coated in the spices.

Spread cauliflower out on a rimmed baking sheet a roast for 20 minutes.

Toss with wing sauce and serve with your favorite blue cheese dressing for dipping. Enjoy!

Makes about 2 cups.

Nutritional Information per serving = 1/2 cup serving:
Calories: 69; Total Fat: 3g; Saturated Fat: 0.5g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Carbohydrate: 8.1g; Dietary Fiber: 3.1g; Sugars: 3.1g; Protein: 3.2g

AAM; Ibadat Hati (5): "Taubat Nasuha, Syarat dan Cara".

Kita semua tak pernah terlepas dari membuat dosa..samada sedar atau tidak sedar.Jom bertaubat!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

popia nestum dari resipi ummi

•1 bungkus kulit popia (50 helai).
•1 pek kecil Nestum Original
•250g gula pasir
•Air masak untuk melekatkan kulit popia
•Minyak untuk menggoreng
•Lidi satay untuk mengulung.

Cara Penyediaan:

▶Kulit popia digunting menjadi empat segi kecil. Sekeping kulit popia besar dipotong empat segi kecil menjadi 9 keping segi empat kecil.
▶Kemudian digulung dengan lidi satay.
▶Kemudian goreng dengan minyak sehingga berwarna kekuningan. ▶Angkat dan toskan sebentar.
▶Blendar nestum dengan gula.
▶Kemudian gaulkan kulit popia yang telah digoreng tadi dengan nestum yang telah diblender.

▶Maka siaplah kuih popia Nestum..
Selamat Mencuba!

Sumber: FB resipi ummi

Benefits of Raddish

Among the many root vegetables, radish is mostly avoided by many. But, radish has amazing benefits and shouldn't be left out of your grocery list.

- 40-50 ml of radish juice is an effective remedy for piles.
- A paste made of powdered radish seeds mixed in vinegar is helpful to treat white patches, which may result in leucoderma.
- The seed paste is also helpful in removing black heads and freckles.
- The seeds help in relieving gastric discomforts.
- For bronchial disorders, chest complaints and whooping cough mix a tbsp. of fresh radish juice with honey and a pinch of rock salt.
- Juice of radish leaves, sweetened with a little sugar can be taken twice by those suffering from jaundice.
- Radish juice can be taken in the dosage of 20-30 ml daily for 2 weeks to cure cystitis.
- Radish is also helpful against dysuria and genito urinary problems.
- Radish leaves have diuretic and laxative properties

Burning fat juice

How to avoid riyaa?

FB Blog post-4