Sunday, June 1, 2014


Must Read
What is juicing?
Juicing means when you take a single or a mix of fresh raw fruits, vegetable and herbs in various combination and quantity, them feeding them through a machine called juicer. The machine called a juicer which in turn separates the liquids from the pulp otherwise known as fibre. The liquid produce is known as the JUICE which is meant to be consumed/drank for vitality and health. The fibre can be thrown away or used to prepare soup.
Remember, fiber is very good for you and necessary for a healthy diet, but consuming them together with the juice puts the body system through a lot of work and stress. Consuming only the juice helps the body to get the nutrients fast and effectively.
So why juice when I can just eat the vegetables and fruit raw? Personally there are lots of vegetables I can never dream of eating in its raw state. Example: Swiss chad, Celery.
My personally suggestion is, just like any other thing, experiment. If it tastes and feels good, ok! It’s not going to harm you - you are loading your body system with loads of great nutrients.
If you are a beginner you can try out this great detox recipe. Lemon + Spinach + Celery, or may be, go on a juice fast. Am going to talk about that later.
I get these questions always, Should I blend it together? You blend when you are making smoothies.
Juicing and Smoothies are quite different, while juicing you extract the liquid through a juicer but for smoothies you can blend. For the purpose of today’s discussion we will stick to juicing.
Smoothies are great way to get filled up and incorporate fiber in to your diet, no doubt, but juicing has its own advantage over smoothies ie enzymes,
phytochemicals and vitamins A, C and E along with minerals like iron, copper, potassium, sodium, iodine and magnesium are trapped in the indigestible fiber and cannot be assimilated by the body.
By drinking the juice, you send those nutrients directly to the cells of the body these nutrients are gotten in high volume with juicing. Either way the goal is for you to get healthy.
Juicing is a healthy drink while smoothies are a complete food.

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