Thursday, November 19, 2015

Carrot juice for cancer treatment

Ann Cameron is the author of many books for children, but in this story she is the main character. And it became even more famous after suffering from colon cancer.She underwent to the surgery in June 2012 when the disease entered in the third stage. It was not her first encounter with this cruel disease. Her husband died in 2005 of lung cancer despite chemotherapy.
She Was Drinking Carrot Juice Every Morning For 8 Months, And Then The Unbelievable Happened
Ann refused to go the same way as him and refused chemotherapy.
Her story has told on the blog “Chris beats cancer” where their stories are talking about people who have sought / found alternative ways of treating cancer.
“In June 2012, I was subjected to surgery for colon cancer, and after that I refused chemotherapy treatment. Every day I felt better, but after six months, the control examination showed that the cancer had spread to the lung, and colon cancer, entered in the fourth stage”, she told.
She claims how was dedicated to fundamental research and came across the story of Ralph Kalley who suffering from skin cancer at 26 years, according to his story, he cured by consuming daily juice made of 2.5 kilograms of carrots.
She decided to follow in his footsteps and began every day to drink carrot juice, distributing it evenly throughout the day.
As she claims, after eight weeks of the medical examination showed that the cancer had stopped spreading, the tumors began to shrink, and the swelling in the lymph nodes.
After four months nodes have returned to normal and the cancer has continued to retreat.
After eight months, computed tomography showed that the cancer had disappeared.
The secret is, apparently, that carrot juice is rich in fatty alcohol and natural pesticides with anti-tumor properties, and carotene from carrots act preventively to creating tumor cells.
Ann Cameron after her experience wrote a book “Curing cancer with carrots”, which can be purchased on Amazon.
– 6 carrots
– 1-inch piece fresh turmeric or ¼ to ½ teaspoon dried
– 1-inch piece ginger
– ½ lemon, peeled (optional to alkalize and lift the flavors)
– ½ cup water
– ⅛ teaspoon dried cinnamon
Put the ingredients through your juicer (You can use an Omega) alternating the carrots with the turmeric and ginger (to get the most juice out of them) and then drink pulped or strain with a fine mesh sieve. Stir through the cinnamon, and dilute with water if desired.
Serves 1.

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